Categories: Natural Mind Stimulants


It’s been a few decades now since the whole coffee culture started around the world. People have been drinking coffee as a sort of liquid elixir to help boost energy levels and help with the hectic work schedule. This has also sparked a lot of debate as to whether it is a good habit to be imbibed and what are the long-term effects of drinking coffee on a daily basis. Especially when it comes to those who drink more than a cup a day, the effects might be more prominent and might affect health to a greater extent. There has been extensive research done by various institutes over the years with different conclusions to the matter.

One thing is certain: coffee is addictive. If you drink even one cup a day and decide to quit the next day, you will find that you feel more irritable, groggier, and your energy levels may seem low. True, it does help boost energy levels when you are working or studying and need to prolong your session, but it doesn’t necessarily help with memory or retention. All it does is leave you feeling more awake and can continue working for a longer period of time. Where coffee falls short is, as stated earlier, the addictive aspect of it. Though it is not as horrendous as consuming amphetimines or cocaine, for example, it can definitely make you imagine that you are not as energetic without it and want to consume it more and more than what was the original one-cup-a-day. Before you think of using coffee to make you feel more alive, try this other more natural alternative.

When it comes to boosting mental activity, the most widely used herb is ginkgo biloba. It is actually an herb that is considered sacred in Asian culture because it has been used down the centuries with mostly positive effects. Like any other substance, ginkgo has to be taken in conservative amounts. It is mostly known as an anticoagulant, meaning that it prevents blood clots, so as a word of caution, anyone who is also consuming other anticoagulants like aspirin should think twice before consuming ginkgo. This herb is extremely useful for transporting blood to the brain efficiently. We all know that blood is the carrier of vital nutrients throughout the body, including oxygen. For one to feel a boost in energy and have their concentration levels in tact, it is necessary to have a good oxygen flow to the brain. It is gingko biloba that helps with this.

We all have long working days and need our brain power more than our ancestors did due to the pressure of personal and professional life. It might be easy to grab a cup of coffee because it is our culture to do so – the warm, creamy taste in our mouths and that alluring smell can always take us in, making us feel our moods elevate and our energy go high. But before you do this, take the natural alternative that has little to no side effects if taken in moderation. Ginkgo biloba has proven through the centuries that it can help improve memory for the young and the old as well that already may be suffering from memory issues. You can always consult a medical expert and find out for yourself if coffee works for your brain in the long run, or a natural substance like ginkgo. Choose wisely.

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